Special Modeling Studio Zeppet produced Mimomo, Yakoro, Lucita, and Āpun, three main characters in Fantane!, a puppet play series to be released on April 4, 2022. The play will form part of Okasan to issho (Together with Mom), an NHK Educational channel program.
CG & VFX team of BLAST, Inc. also produced some of the CG images within the play.
[ April 12, 2022: Postscript ]
Zeppet created the newly introduced character, Āpun, effective April 7, 2022.
Okasan to issho (Together with Mom) is one of Japan’s most popular educational and music programs for children, which has been running since 1959. The puppet play has been a core component of the program since 1960, which undergoes renewal every several years. The new version to be released in 2022 will be the 14th generation of the puppet play. In addition to Mimomo, Yakoro, Lucita, and Āpun, various other characters will join the program.
Check the official website for broadcast schedule!
>> Okasan to issho (Together with Mom) Official Website
■ Media : TV
■ Title : < Okasan to issho (Together with Mom) >