Customer’s VoiceCustomer’s Voice

Customer’s Voice


Neptavion’s Dagger – Custom-made for personal order

©︎Team Neputevion

We received a request from an individual to create a dagger, the weapon used by “Neptavion,” a character from the original work “Saiten no Neputevion.”

Previously, Zeppet created the “Neptavion” suit, and this request followed that production.

>> Neptavion Suit (Gallery Page)
>> Neptavion Official X (formerly Twitter)”>Neptavion Official X (formerly Twitter)

■ Category : Special Modeling
■ Title    : < Saiten no Neputevion >
■ Production period : 15 days

Customer’s Voice

[1] Background of the order

I made this request because of the courteous support provided when I previously requested the suit design.

[2] Comments on Production Phase

It was helpful to be shown samples to see which one matched my image more closely.

[3] Comments on the completed product and delivery

The product was shipped immediately after completion, and it arrived in time to be displayed at an event, which was very helpful.

[4] Feedbacks and comments on Zeppet

Nothing in particular.

We at Zeppet welcome orders from individual clients, too.

>> Inquiries

*We are generally unable to accept requests for the creation of works related to copyrighted materials owned by third parties. Please consult with us if you have obtained authorization (in official writing) to use copyrighted works from the rights holder.
