The bear costume produced by Zeppet appeared in a re-enactment of a historical scene in “News Scoops SP: The Greatest News of the Century VI ~ Truths Behind the Shocking Incidents of Heisei Era”, a Saturday Premium program by Fuji Television.
As the bear costume is available for rental, it offers various options for different needs, like cost-cutting and timesaving needs for productions with limited budget or time.
For more information on rental, please contact us from the following page.
[Please see here for the details on rental conditions]
*Rental is available only within Japan. Presently, we do not accept overseas rental requests.
■ Category : Costume suits (bodysuit)
■ Media : TV(Fuji Television)
■ Title : “News Scoops SP: The Greatest News of the Century VI ~ Truths Behind the Shocking Incidents of Heisei Era”